The twelve commandments of this blog

ONE: We will always see the bright side: rants and griping will be entertained only to the extent that they show us the path to enlightenment.

TWO: There shall be no religion – despite having commandments and such – but spiritual musings will be frequent and deeply meaningful.

THREE: There shall be no politics – except for how the machinations of the goons in the global corridors of power impact the lives and happiness of ordinary folk.

FOUR: All foibles and failures will be freely admitted – for through failure do we not achieve transcendence?

FIVE: We shall at all times further the cause of sustainability in real-world ways, not merely as a trendy trend, but as a way of nurturing our world, our bodies, our minds, and giving something back for the blessed lives we’ve lived and are living now.

SIX: We are open to suggestions, criticism and cash payments – but will not respond to rudeness, abuse or trolling.

Bustin’ heads bro

SEVEN: We value work, food, drink, music, friendship, conversation, travel, movies, reading, the outdoors, exercise, skill, craft, wit, humour and love; our tools shall be the truly limitless resources of the English language and the power and flexibility of the system of logic humans have developed over the centuries to provide us with a sense-check against the idiocy fed to us daily by the Powers that Be.  

EIGHT: Photos shall mainly be by me (for I am a control freak and also harbour amateurish ambitions in this direction) – all other contributors will be acknowledged and, where possible, linked.

NINE: We shall not covet our neighbours’ cottage, ute, dog or lucrative job – for what we have is sufficient to our needs – plus a little over to help out the kids and provide for a comfortable old age (which seems to be approaching more rapidly than is necessary).  

TEN: The author shall not use the blog to further his cause in disputes with his wife – for ultimately she is right, which he knows even as he argueth with her.

ELEVEN: We respect those who have gone before, including those we have lost and who have shaped us as we are today – but we shall avoid wallowing, sentimentality and self-pity, for these are not constructive and this is Not What They Would Have Wanted.

TWELVE: Notwithstanding 1-10 above, the author shall keep it classy at all times, for there is enough negativity in the world and it is the job of the part-time blogger to bring joy, inspiration and consolation to his valued readers. 

Addendum: these commandments shall not be set in stone and are subject to amendment and improvement – as are we all – as time and the fortunes of men (and women) dictate – for rigidity is death and we are here to embrace life.