What's up with this year's spring? None of the expected birds or butterflies are doing what's expected of them -- I'm driven to ponder some comforting thoughts that stray dangerously close to cliché.

What's up with this year's spring? None of the expected birds or butterflies are doing what's expected of them -- I'm driven to ponder some comforting thoughts that stray dangerously close to cliché.
Archie turned three the other day; butterflies are starting to flutter by; the days are warmer and the nights shorter. So we mark another seasonal cycle as the earth turns and the planet circles the sun. With all this carrying on about the changing of the seasons and the passage of time, the unspoken element …
Today marks the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, and at Corner Cottage we are grateful that it marks the shortest day of the year. It's cold, it's overcast and dull, and the prospect of each day ahead being minutely longer is something to celebrate. There are two (2) ways to deal with the sub-zero …
As most of Australia wearily re-enters lockdown, cowed by the vigorous, irrepressible Delta Strain, in Braidwood (alongside the reappearance of masks on the local populace) we’re starting to see very early signs of spring. This winter has been a lot colder than last year’s edition, so seeing the first few buds on the trees really …
You know that situation where you keep putting something off because you want to do it really well, but the more you put it off, the more it hangs over you and the harder it becomes to do it at all? So it is with this here blog: it's never far from one's thoughts - …
You will of course be familiar with my distaste for the popular tendency to anthropomorphise animals – not merely because of a grumpy, jaundiced outlook on the world in general and mankind in particular, but because that’s not what wildlife is really about – it’s a human-centric way of looking at the world, and look …
More and more it’s about the birds. Getting up in the morning at the moment is a musical delight, as the local avian population gives voice to their appreciation of warmer weather, and earlier sunrises, and all the things going on that excite them. Flowers are busting out the kinds of salady grub to ensure …
The problem with embarking on projects like painting bathrooms is that they persist long after you’ve blogged about them. It’s progressing nicely but any literary value has been wrung out of it and what remains is repetitious and dull. So while I get on with the sugar soap and paint, here are some photos of …
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