It's been a while and this piece has been sitting on my desktop awaiting this or that embellishment. And new things keep happening to interrupt the unfettered flow of creative juices. Long story short, it's out of date, overwrought, and lacking a real point. Sold? Then read on! I had a dream the other night …
Tag: ecosystem
The lunch-hour naturalist
We interrupt this unstarted sequence of my oddball jobs to tell you about something a little closer to home. While the odd jobs may turn out to be an interesting bunch of stories which will be fun to resurrect, it has very little to do with embracing life in Braidwood, which is what this blog …
My butterfly teacher
It started in the spring this year: we’d had a long and rather turbulent winter, with the stressful move from Canberra to Braidwood where Corner Cottage was sitting empty and neglected. The garden was wild: a protracted drought and very little care had left it forlorn and weed-infested – but it fascinated me. Venturing down …
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