When I said these little birds grow up fast, I had no idea just how much. On sneaking up to the nest last Monday morning, I noted immediately that it was empty. Not the kind of empty you'd see when the chicks were tiny (all of three weeks ago) and no parent was sitting on …
Tag: chicks
Nestwatch 6: fledging
You can't spend too much time away from a Willie Wagtail's brood because by God, they grow up fast. It's five days since we noted the joyful arrival of the chicks -- and scrawny, bald and unappealing little scraps they were, too. So we took a turn down to Commonwood this lunchtime to catch up …
Nestwatch 5: the happy event!
Sometimes guesswork and baseless supposition turns out to be true. When I surmised the other day that momma Willie was sitting a bit higher in the nest than usual, and that the bits of fluff around the edge of the nest might signal that the eggs had hatched, this turns out to be the case! …
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