The old saying, "one swallow does not a summer make" is undoubtedly true. You'd think so, too, given that it can be traced back to Aristotle, pretty much the father of western thought. Or possibly another even earlier ancient sage. The point of the proverb is that a single instance of a phenomenon doesn't necessarily …
Tag: braidwoodnsw
A stinging tale
There’s an age-old question that has taxed the minds of history’s greatest thinkers: who would win in a fight between a bear and a gorilla? (Or endless variations thereof). Well, we had our own version last week at Corner Cottage – and it’s done nothing to satisfy that ancient question. I may have mentioned in …
Small but flighty
Here’s a quick bit about birds. It’s got to the point with this blog that pretty much anything would be better than ongoing silence, so yes, it’s birds again. Tramping about the wintry neighbourhood this afternoon with Archie, I happened on a couple of Silvereyes chit-chitting about their business, and was struck by a quick …
Time’s wingèd chariot
You know that situation where you keep putting something off because you want to do it really well, but the more you put it off, the more it hangs over you and the harder it becomes to do it at all? So it is with this here blog: it's never far from one's thoughts - …
A case of the ‘yips
Lately we're spending a lot of time taking Archie walkies -- having recently achieved full leg-cocking status, he's experiencing huge amounts of energy, so to buy a little quiet time, we're wearing him out with twice-daily epic treks around town. His favourite route follows the local fitness track, which includes a winding descent through the …
Hi resolution
You know, I’ve never really gone in for new year’s resolutions. Call me old-school, but there seems to be little point to making pronouncements about some kind of commitment that you’ll break within a week or two. Yes, you may be shamed into sticking to it a bit longer if you’ve told the world your …
It’s not you, it’s me
Look, I know you come here for inspiration and the wisdom you need to negotiate life’s little ups and downs, but the fact is, I’ve been busy, OK? When I started this blog, I sincerely vowed that it wouldn’t be one of those fly-by-night, limp-as-lettuce, no-consequence attempts at online content provision. And by and large, …
Not on your Neddy
Remember that time I waxed all lyrical about whisky? It was one of those posts that just came out fully formed – maybe because the subject was close to my heart and had been the subject of much in-depth thought. But given the need for fiscal discipline in the life of an unemployed freelance writer …
Puppy love
Close blog-watchers will have noted that the posts hereon have dwindled of late. It’s not as if subject matter is thin on the ground, but rather that opportunities to rattle them off seem to be scarce all of a sudden. I’m going to come right out with it and blame Archie – that little mutt …
Pup’s progress
There’s a kind of individual out there we’ve all encountered, I’m sure, and that’s ‘dog people’ – you know, people whose existence revolves around their domestic canines; whose homes run to the rhythm of their Best Friends’ whims and fancies, and who can think and speak of little else but the doings and misdoings of …
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