A look within

Bodies, eh? We've all got one, haven't we? It's one of those things all people have in common -- and which has all kinds of implications for how we interact with the world; indeed, implications for the universe and everything in it. But let's not go too far down the road of phenomenological theory, which …

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Rooing the day

OK so this one is fraught with rabbit-hole risk, so I'm going to have to keep it tight. That's because it's about very complicated cross-cultural interconnections and disconnections -- boring really, with not much to reveal about life the universe or anything. As I so often have to say, though, bear with me -- there …

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Sworn to run

Running has not featured much – if at all – on these pages, not because it’s unimportant, but precisely the opposite. In truth, the last few decades’ messing about with bicycles, weights, swimming and yoga have all stemmed from your correspondent's wish to be a better runner. As my old dad used to say, “if …

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The shortest day

Today marks the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, and at Corner Cottage we are grateful that it marks the shortest day of the year. It's cold, it's overcast and dull, and the prospect of each day ahead being minutely longer is something to celebrate. There are two (2) ways to deal with the sub-zero …

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