The knowledge that a waiting world is suspended on tenterhooks – or ‘tender hooks’, as they are sometimes known – awaiting news of the bird feeder that started construction so many weeks ago has been a constant burden to this unemployed freelance writer. Rest assured, work has continued in a desultory fashion over the intervening …
Tag: birds
I’ve got a little list
There are days when the to-do list seems to ‘spiral out of control’ (to channel the relevant cliché) as task after task, job after job, add themselves willy-nilly to the total, and with every new addition, priorities get jumbled and it’s ever harder to work out just where it would be best to start. Such …
The birds and the bugs
More and more it’s about the birds. Getting up in the morning at the moment is a musical delight, as the local avian population gives voice to their appreciation of warmer weather, and earlier sunrises, and all the things going on that excite them. Flowers are busting out the kinds of salady grub to ensure …
The week in pictures
Quite a few of the photography accounts on Twitter do this thing on a Saturday (Friday if they're in the US) where they summarise the week in photos. Posts like that are great -- a few fleeting images that tell you a whole lot about the events of the last seven days. We're going to …
Strictly for the birds
You know, through the long, sweaty Singapore years, cooped up in our high-rise apartment, we often talked in a misty-eyed fashion about a golden future in which we’d have a garden. It would be an elegant, well-groomed, peaceful place, with gently tinkling rills, shady trees, lush lawns and rank upon rank of fragrant roses, peonies, …
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