It's been a whole week since the last update -- the longest hiatus since we started our journey together way back in March or April or whenever it was. Not that there's been much of note going on at Corner Cottage: it's more that there's been a lot of very little. But today something very …
Not on your Neddy
Remember that time I waxed all lyrical about whisky? It was one of those posts that just came out fully formed – maybe because the subject was close to my heart and had been the subject of much in-depth thought. But given the need for fiscal discipline in the life of an unemployed freelance writer …
A plot with a twist
Sometimes you just can’t anticipate how things might turn out. Even when you set out to do something quite ordinary and usual, events can take an unexpected course. The human imagination just can’t take in all the possibilities the universe can throw at you, which means there’s always the potential for a surprise, even if …
In literary circles
Exciting news arrived recently that an old mate has published a book. It’s quite a thrill when someone you know produces writings that impress a publisher sufficiently to pay real cash to gather them into a glossy volume, and to market said volume to the masses in the conviction that it will repay their investment. …
Puppy love
Close blog-watchers will have noted that the posts hereon have dwindled of late. It’s not as if subject matter is thin on the ground, but rather that opportunities to rattle them off seem to be scarce all of a sudden. I’m going to come right out with it and blame Archie – that little mutt …
Let’s eat!
When I wrote about spring, with the sap rising and the birds, bees and bugs pursuing procreation with the singlemindedness of teenage boys’ quest to cast off their virginity, I wasn’t wrong. But I’m happy to concede that it wasn’t the whole picture. Or maybe it was at the time, but things have moved on …
Trick or threat
When I was a kid, we didn’t have Halloween. That is, the church probably had All Hallows’ E’en, which as we all know is the origin of the name – but we didn’t have all the stuff with pumpkins, witches, and trick or treating. I’m not saying it didn’t happen, but there certainly wasn’t all …
Goodall the time
Further to my rantings on anthropomorphism (yes, I know, it excites you too!), through a tortuous series of events too mundane to recount here, yesterday I had the privilege of participating in a fascinating live online session with Dr Jane Goodall – she who discovered that Chimpanzees can use tools, communicate on a reasonably sophisticated …
Sallying forth again
The funny thing about obsession is that it isn’t funny at all. Many of these posts are the result of one obsessive pursuit or another, and many’s the mention of being drawn into rabbit-holes as one link on the interwebs leads to another two, or four, or so on. One bee in the old bonnet …
A nice cuppa char
This blog has not been shy about the virtues of whisky; we’ve discussed the undoubted glories of coffee, and of course wine has made an appearance on numerous occasions. And there’s always room for more. There’s also a special space set aside for beer, which we will fill when the time is right. But today …
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