Here’s a quick bit about birds. It’s got to the point with this blog that pretty much anything would be better than ongoing silence, so yes, it’s birds again. Tramping about the wintry neighbourhood this afternoon with Archie, I happened on a couple of Silvereyes chit-chitting about their business, and was struck by a quick …
Time’s wingèd chariot
You know that situation where you keep putting something off because you want to do it really well, but the more you put it off, the more it hangs over you and the harder it becomes to do it at all? So it is with this here blog: it's never far from one's thoughts - …
A case of the ‘yips
Lately we're spending a lot of time taking Archie walkies -- having recently achieved full leg-cocking status, he's experiencing huge amounts of energy, so to buy a little quiet time, we're wearing him out with twice-daily epic treks around town. His favourite route follows the local fitness track, which includes a winding descent through the …
My butterfly teacher
It started in the spring this year: we’d had a long and rather turbulent winter, with the stressful move from Canberra to Braidwood where Corner Cottage was sitting empty and neglected. The garden was wild: a protracted drought and very little care had left it forlorn and weed-infested – but it fascinated me. Venturing down …
Sweet youth of bird
Hey, I’ve missed you too. January steamed by really fast and although various things happened, in the way things do, none found themselves onto these pages. I have a couple of half-written, rather uninspired pieces that may well make their way here eventually, but they had nothing of the excitement that gets them over the …
The one less travelled by
Traversing the King’s Highway on a routine Canberra run today, I was suddenly seized with a sense of desperation. Maybe because on the last day of the school hols for many, the road was chokka with utes towing caravans and boats, impatient overtakers risking life and limb to gain a few seconds’ advantage, and highway …
Hi resolution
You know, I’ve never really gone in for new year’s resolutions. Call me old-school, but there seems to be little point to making pronouncements about some kind of commitment that you’ll break within a week or two. Yes, you may be shamed into sticking to it a bit longer if you’ve told the world your …
It’s the pits
Let it not be said that this blog confines itself to a narrow, repetitive series of topics. Or if you must say it, don’t say it around me, because sometimes it’s quite difficult to come up with fresh material. Then again, returning to certain themes or motifs is the mark of a writer with conviction …
The boot in
Now that the left-over turkey has been consumed, the decorations are looking a bit last year, and the dyspepsia has rendered us regretful and peevish, let’s talk something basic: something fundamental, grounded, in touch with the very earth that bore us. Let’s talk boots again. Being here in Braidwood where men are manly, work is …
Fa la la laaaarrrrghh
Well, with the holidays upon us and peace and goodwill reigning all around, it seemed a great opportunity to post up a short meditation on something meaningful. I did think about bashing out one of those deliberations on the true meaning of Christmas, but we were too busy eating and getting drunk to really focus …
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