Look, I know you come here for inspiration and the wisdom you need to negotiate life’s little ups and downs, but the fact is, I’ve been busy, OK? When I started this blog, I sincerely vowed that it wouldn’t be one of those fly-by-night, limp-as-lettuce, no-consequence attempts at online content provision.

And by and large, I’d say we made a good start, you and me. I’m pretty sure this site now contains more than a hundred perfectly-honed pearls of keen observation – not a bad effort, even if pearls can’t be honed, perfectly or not, so don’t @ me about mixed metaphors.
Anyway, the main reason for this lamentable lapse is that I am no longer an unemployed freelance writer. Despite my best efforts to the contrary, someone has finally been desperate enough to avail themselves of my services – and have offered cash money in exchange! This development has required many a late night in my ‘office’ (see this blog’s title pic) leafing through the well-worn Thesaurus and diving into Wikipedia in an attempt to create authoritative, ‘engaging’ prose on arcane matters pertaining to finance and such.

The days have been spent in a haze of sleeplessness, trying to ensure a rapidly growing puppy doesn’t escape under the fence, weeding, watering the veggies (that freak tomato plant is still displaying terrifying powers of growth) and indulging similar deeply stimulating household chores. I think I went into Canberra once, but can’t be sure.

It’s been weighing on my mind, this blog and the legions of readers left hanging with their cravings unfulfilled. Time and again I’ve started a post, only to be interrupted by the cries of my insatiable client. All my good material’s going into that pursuit, I’m afraid – when it comes to delighting my readership, the well is dry.
And might I just take this opportunity to let you in on a little secret? It’s not the writing that takes time when you’re creating these polished gems of multimedia content – it’s the illustrations. Taking (or finding), sizing, uploading, aligning and all that highly technical stuff really chews up the hours. Even if you’re a power user of WordPress, as modesty prevents me from claiming I am, it’s going to be a lengthy process. So that’s been a bit of a disincentive, I have to say.

It makes me sad, this faltering output. It’s not an ending, but nor is it a beginning – the fact is, this phase of our lives is not over, so let’s just call this a hiatus. Your author is just going through a period of adjustment. Perhaps I should manage your expectations downward a tad. Believe me, this hurts you more than it hurts me. I’ll be back whenever I can.