Going veggie

We spent today finally getting to grips with creating a veggie garden — a key element in our plans for the good life in Corner Cottage. The problem is, it got dark before we could put the final touches on our humble creation, so I don’t have any vegetable beauty to show you quite yet.

It’s been windy and threatening today — not cold, but with a chill factor that defeated the warm layers we wore. And all the digging, lifting, carrying and arguing has me beat. It’s not 9pm yet and I’m ready for bed — must be the country air.

So I thought I’d share a few views of Braidwood in the sunshine.

This is the house just behind Corner Cottage. It’s being renovated at the moment, apparently with no sparing the cost: tradies’ utes are lined up on both sides of the road every day. It’s a lovely stone-built structure — I bet it’ll be beautiful when it’s done.

Here’s the little pre-school down the road which looked kind of cute with a rainbow overhead.

OK, this isn’t on a sunny day — it’s at night, but a clear night: our post office, lit red from within.

And here’s a water lily at The Doncaster, a beautiful B&B decorated in the French Provincial style with lovely gardens. (This was taken a few months ago before autumn set in.)

There’s more we these came from: when they call Braidwood ‘picturesque’, they’re right. So while the veggies grow, I’ll be looking for photo opportunities — some say they’re worth more than words, which may be true. You tell me.

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