If you’re coming here for words of wisdom – and who could blame you if you are – I have a doozy for you today. And that is that nature moves fast. Now I’ll be the first to concede that this message has been subtly embedded in a lot of the stuff that passes for …
Category: Cottage life
Life at Corner Cottage, Braidwood
Puppy love
Close blog-watchers will have noted that the posts hereon have dwindled of late. It’s not as if subject matter is thin on the ground, but rather that opportunities to rattle them off seem to be scarce all of a sudden. I’m going to come right out with it and blame Archie – that little mutt …
Let’s eat!
When I wrote about spring, with the sap rising and the birds, bees and bugs pursuing procreation with the singlemindedness of teenage boys’ quest to cast off their virginity, I wasn’t wrong. But I’m happy to concede that it wasn’t the whole picture. Or maybe it was at the time, but things have moved on …
Goodall the time
Further to my rantings on anthropomorphism (yes, I know, it excites you too!), through a tortuous series of events too mundane to recount here, yesterday I had the privilege of participating in a fascinating live online session with Dr Jane Goodall – she who discovered that Chimpanzees can use tools, communicate on a reasonably sophisticated …
A nice cuppa char
This blog has not been shy about the virtues of whisky; we’ve discussed the undoubted glories of coffee, and of course wine has made an appearance on numerous occasions. And there’s always room for more. There’s also a special space set aside for beer, which we will fill when the time is right. But today …
Bird feeder part deux
The knowledge that a waiting world is suspended on tenterhooks – or ‘tender hooks’, as they are sometimes known – awaiting news of the bird feeder that started construction so many weeks ago has been a constant burden to this unemployed freelance writer. Rest assured, work has continued in a desultory fashion over the intervening …
Pup’s progress
There’s a kind of individual out there we’ve all encountered, I’m sure, and that’s ‘dog people’ – you know, people whose existence revolves around their domestic canines; whose homes run to the rhythm of their Best Friends’ whims and fancies, and who can think and speak of little else but the doings and misdoings of …
Dogs of Braidwood: Archie
Those who've stuck with us through the lockdown months in Braidwood may recall the glib statement way back in April that as soon as we could, we’d be adding another to our number – that most essential component of any well-rounded family, a canine companion. Unbeknownst to us at the time, in a now-established social …
Crackers animals
Yesterday I thought I saw a platypus! This deserves an exclamation mark due to its unexpectedness – I didn’t set out to find one, but to paraphrase the Bard, some people achieve platypus and some have platypus thrust upon them. I hadn’t given platypi much thought – there was a vague notion that they were …
The long and shorts of it
Incredible scenes today at Corner Cottage as a seasonal milestone is attained with due fanfare and celebration. As spring flourishes outdoors, with flowers unfolding, leaves unfurling, birds revealing their finest mating-season plumage, it is time for your aged correspondent to disclose his long-hidden shanks by the ritual donning of shorts. Let’s leave aside for now …
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