Platypus is back on the menu, photographically speaking. After months of raptor obsession, a change of approach is required, mainly because the good old Panzerwagen has finally rattled down the final curtain, making longer expeditions less frequent, but also because the season is changing (as they do) and other opportunities beckon. In addition, September was …
Author: Jeremy
Lumbar report
Archie turned three the other day; butterflies are starting to flutter by; the days are warmer and the nights shorter. So we mark another seasonal cycle as the earth turns and the planet circles the sun. With all this carrying on about the changing of the seasons and the passage of time, the unspoken element …
Accidental safari
So, as is traditional at this time of year, we went on holiday. Put briefly, the idea was to make our way to the UK to reunite with friends and family not seen since before the pandemic. For a variety of reasons we need not concern ourselves with now, we decided to go in short, …
The meaning of leaning
Yesterday, as I was out on a run with Archie, covering part of the same hilly dirt road we follow when stalking raptors, I had one of those disconnected meditative processes running seems to induce. It was on a long uphill gradient and into the teeth of a wind gusting out of the west at …
It’s a jungle out there
It wasn't always raptors and platypuses, you know. For this photographer at least, subject matter and even genre has been a moveable feast depending on -- primarily -- place. Without subjecting you all to a journey back in time to the beginnings of my obsession with photography, let's just say that the current blossoming started …
Sworn to run
Running has not featured much – if at all – on these pages, not because it’s unimportant, but precisely the opposite. In truth, the last few decades’ messing about with bicycles, weights, swimming and yoga have all stemmed from your correspondent's wish to be a better runner. As my old dad used to say, “if …
The shortest day
Today marks the winter solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, and at Corner Cottage we are grateful that it marks the shortest day of the year. It's cold, it's overcast and dull, and the prospect of each day ahead being minutely longer is something to celebrate. There are two (2) ways to deal with the sub-zero …
Monogamy monogo-you
Our recent meditation on the beauty of kestrels kicked off another down-the-rabbithole thought process -- this time into birds that mate for life . . . and those that don't. What does this have to do with the price of eggs? Not a lot, I'm afraid -- other than maybe distracting you from its rapid …
Things can only get bigger
It's been a good year for the biking -- so far, anyway. With the diminution of La Niña, which contrived to soak us over the span of two summers, we have finally had enough dryness to string together a decent series of rides. Your author's progress chart on Strava looks less like a close-up of …
(Nearly) everyday I write the blog
Easter came with heavy tidings for Corner Cottage. Nothing life-altering, I should say, but a smart blow to the goolies of certain dearly held hopes, that’s for sure. I think hope will recover; time heals all wounds and hope springs eternal. That sort of thing. The issue was that one of my very very fave …
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