In our recent spellbinding Raptorwatch series, where yours truly assumed an Attenborough-esque attitude toward revealing intimate details in the lives of local birds of prey, mention was made of the small but voracious Nankeen Kestrel. During winter, a bit like the protagonist in The Peregrine, I took to driving the dirt roads around Gillamatong in …
Month: December 2022
Hold my beer
That train trip to Sydney a few weeks ago brought to mind another journey which nearly landed me in the cells at Her (late) Majesty’s pleasure. It must have been about 1995, a lovely summer, and I was off to the Edinburgh Festival. My sister and her husband lived in Auld Reekie, in a tiny …
Whip it good
Out here in the boondocks, all it takes is a couple of days' sunshine and we're assailed with massed lawnmowers, whippersnippers, and hedge trimmers roaring, revving and farting in glorious surround sound. Of course, the Corner Cottage versions of these tools are all electric -- if all of Braidwood went the same way, we'd reach …
Carpe birdem
Well, yesterday was the last day of spring, not that you'd know it from the chill and damp days behind us. It's been less the force that through the green fuse drives the flower, and more the muted chesty cough of a secret TB sufferer. Thank you climate change, and thank you La Niña. Three …
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